Re-creating the medieval Palette
Cheryl Porter
Multi-quire, wooden boarded codex from Egypt
Pamela Spitzmueller
Late 18th century French Binding Structures
Jeff Peachey
Ethiopian Bindings Workshop
John Mumford / Caroline Checkley-Scott
Book handling and refurbishing
Cheryl Porter
Medieval colours
Cheryl Porter
Pigments and their use in manuscripts
Cheryl Porter
Bugs, insects and unwanted guests
Caroline Checkley
Mould – identification and treatment
David Parker
Bibliography in a medieval library
Nicolas Barker
Conservation of prints and drawings
Louise Drover and Jane Hinwood
Working with large scale objects
Jean Brown
Materials for conservation
Graham Gardiner
Materials for preservation
Graham Gardiner
Folders, phase boxes, book shoes
Graham Gardiner
Limp vellum bindings
Vendulka Cejchan
History of parchment making
Leandro Gotscher
Photographic identification, Conservation and storage
David Parker
Cataloguing a medieval library
Julie Simpson
Preservation of historic libraries
Nicolas Barker
Introduction to bookbinding
Sarah Bunn
Parchment: history, features and new techniques for repair
Tony Cains
Pasteboard, pulpboard and 16th century bookbinding
Tony Cains
Recording the structure of the medieval book
Nicholas Hadgraft and Jim Bloxam
Byzantine and Islamic Bindings
Nicholas Hadgraft and Jim Bloxam
Archaeology of the Medieval Book
Nicholas Hadgraft and Jim Bloxam
The girdle book
Nicholas Hadgraft and Jim Bloxam
Origins of Byzantine book structures
John Sharpe
Packing and the oxygen-free environment
Stuart Welch
Environmental control in libraries and archives
Bob Childs
A miscellany of conservation techniques
Tony Cains
Atlas and maps: Techniques of structure and compensation
Pamela Spritzmuller